Holiday Memories

Ciao Daniella
Avro’ dei bei ricordi di Umbria e ti ringrazio di nuovo.
Lidia, Australia

I wanted to take this opportunity and thank you for the work you did with my group. The tour leader said that you did excellent work and I really appreciate it. I hope you have a blessed day!
God Bless,

Hi Daniela
We just wanted to say one more thank you for valuable time this morning. Can I say that everyone thoroughly enjoyed their duomo experience this morning, and feeling rather more enlightened.
Smiles and we hope to see you again soon
Wanda, England

Grazie mille to you and to Luca for your outstanding service and gracious hospitality on my visit to Umbria. I had a wonderful time! And look forward to the possibility of hosting you one day here in Southern California.
Wishing you all the best…
Gail, USA

Thank you for your wonderful service.
Laura, USA

Dear Daniela,
Feel great, thanks to you for an unforgetable day today and the pevious one on Tuesday.
I thank you for a wonderful hospitality, special ideas and worthwhile adventures to be defenitly unforgetable and hopefully to be taking place again one day in my next Italian vacation.
All the best for you and your family,
Rachel, Israel

I just wanted to thank you for a great time in Norcia and the Mormore waterfalls. The waterfalls are on my must re-visit list for my next trip to Italy!
And the lunch was the best meal/lunch we had on the entire trip! Truly amazing
Thanks for a fabulous day!
Lisa, USA

I had a fabulous holiday in Italy last year and while in Perugia was fortunate enough to have Daniella as my travel guide. For the week that my friend and I were in Perugia Daniella picked us up from the train station, took us to the supermarket to get some supplies and then to the place we were staying at, being an agriturisimo, in the Country. Each day Daniella would pick us up and take to different parts of Perugia and surrounding areas. Daniella speaks wonderful English and has a great knowledge of Italy’s history. The thing that made Daniella stand out as a Travel Guide was her knowledge, passion and love of her country and these things coupled together made for a thoroughly interesting and enjoyable trip. Thank you so much Daniella, I will be back and have recommended you to all my friends.
Adrienne, New Zealand

ciao, vorrei mettere in risalto la tua professionalità, la tua scrupolosità, la passione con cui svolgi il tuo lavoro; sottolineo con piacere il bel metodo, molto efficace, di spiegarci ulteriormente attraverso i centrini, la struttura del rosone gotico; e sono molto soddisfatta del tuo atteggiamento molto decoroso, valorizzandoci come le altre persone.

Ringraziamo la signora daniela, io, in totale accordo con gli altri due miei amici non vedenti vogliamo far presente la professionalità della signora Daniela Paci nello spiegarci l’arte di orvieto: pensate, sono certa che a nessuno sarebbe venuto in mente, per darci una idea di com’era il rosone del duomo di orvieto ci ha fatto toccare un centrino ricamato e ha portato con sè anche un piccolo panno per farci capire meglio il miracolo di bolsena. tutto quello che poi si poteva toccare non ha esitato anche davanti a una moltitudine di gente di farcelo sentire e illustrare. oltre la guida turistica è stata per noi una amica, abbiamo pranzato e si è comportata con noi e verso la nostra disabilità come ci conoscesse da sempre! commossi di aver trovato in daniela una forte sensibilità che qui da noi non è molto facile, ci siamo ripromessi di fare altre esperienze simili, siamo convinti di aver trovato in lei tutto quello che avremmo voluto. grazie di nuovo da parte di
isa, serenella, roberto e vittoriano.

I have had the pleasure of being introduced to Daniela Paci, after a recommendation from a person in New Zealand. Daniela has done two guided tours and cooking classes for me now and she is fantastico ! Her historical knowledge is amazing and her Umbrian cooking is wonderful. Daniela is very passionate about Umbria and her heritage and brings this into her guided tours and cooking classes. I have enjoyed getting to know Daniela ….she has a very caring, gentle nature. When you talk with Daniela, she will make great suggestions and nothing is a problem to organise.
Ciao Daniela
I have just nominated you as the best tour guide in Italy …. I’m sure you will win !!!
Kaylene, New Zealand

Ciao Daniela
What a wonderful day and so amazing to meet you and have you as a guide – I feel blessed thank you. Love and light.
Nidhi, South Africa

Dear Daniela
Thank you being so amazing … I have loved your company, knowledge, fun and caring. This has been the best holiday I have ever had and I’m looking forward to our friendship in the future.
Love Kaylene, New Zealand

Como estas Daniela,
Claro que tenemos un muy bonito recuerdo !
Gracias por todo
Con cariño. Mariaje

Hi Daniela,
We are back at home after a long flight, arriving in Sydney late on Friday night. It’s very sad that our wonderful holiday in Italy has come to an end!
We just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to you for the Valnerina tour. We had a fantastic time and are very grateful to you for all the effort you went to and for all the time you spent with us. I hope you got home OK that night. We are still amazed that you worked until so late!!
Please also thank all the wonderful producers we met for giving us their time – Adolfo, Michaela and all the people at Fonte Antica.
We had a great time and would highly recommend the tour to anyone!
Best regards,
Scott and Dinuka, Australia

Dear Daniela,
The group wanted to express our thanks to you and Michele for the “wonderful birthday experience”you provided for us. The meal was excellent and we so enjoyed visiting with you about the preparation and appreciated all your hints.
Thank you again for the most memorable birthday dinner!
Sue, USA

Cara Daniela,
Sono molto contenta di averti conosciuto. Sei una buona guida, Grazie!!
Siamo in contatto. Devi venire un giorno in Polonia! Forse potrei ti servire come una guida (amatrice ma volontaria 🙂
Fammi sapere quando vieni.
Mille baci
Ela, Poland

Ciao Daniela, Buongiorno,
Ho visitato tuo website e voglio dire che mi piace 🙂
Sei una persona felice che fa quello che ti piace 🙂
Umbria e bellisima e ho avuto belle vacanze e voglio tornare subito 🙂
Spero che sariamo in contatto 🙂
Baci e abbracci
Renata, Poland

I saw the Cathedral and Basilica San Domenico and at 14:24 I was on the station. The way downhil was quite hard but I catched the train. The man checking my ticked asked me if I come from Russia or Czech Republic because of my name on the ticket 🙂
Thanks once again for the wonderfull time.
Agneszka, Poland

I want to thank you again for the wonderful experience. I learned so much during the time I was with you. I am looking forward to using my new knowledge in my classes.
I hope to return next summer and would love to have the opportunity for you to visit me and share your knowledge with my colleagues and contacts. Out of all the placed I visited, I feel in love with the Umbria region. It is a wonderful place and I hope to share all I know about the culture, cuisine, religion, art and history with my students.
I will keep you posted on my progress with Slow Food and please contact me soon and let me know how you are doing and how your projects are going.
Patricia, Texas

Dear Daniela,
Just a quick note to thank you for your wonderful cooking class that Steve and I participated with you in your lovely home.
We have been very busy since we got back from our fabulous trip a couple of weeks ago and haven’t had a chance to make any pasta yet. We are so looking forward to doing so.
I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed meeting with you and learning how to cook some real Italian recipes. It was such fun.
Kind regards,

Thank you for a wonderful afternoon and a most delicious meal. We arrived home on Saturday evening and Sunday I made farro salad the way you demonstrated. I used rucola from my garden and it turned out well. I had it for breakfast again this morning (one of my new favourites!).
Through the rest of our travel in Italy we were able to experience some wonderful food, both in Umbria and in Friuli. I brought home a few local products from the Val De Natisone where my husband’s family lives…a food-lover’s dream vacation.
best wishes from Canada, Janet

Dear Daniela,
We loved our holiday in Italy and will be back for another visit. You are a lovely person and we are blessed to have met you and shared our meals with you. Thank you for everything! We will keep in touch and look forward to meeting again.
Sue from the Usa

Dear Daniela,
Thank you very much for three inspirational and educational days, it was a perfect mix between learning about italian culture nad italian cooking. We very much appreciated being invited into your lovely family to see the real italian countryside. We’re looking forward to sharing the experience with our friends and family back in Norway
Best wishes.
Torbiorn and Caroline, Norway

Today was perfect! Thank you so much. I will make these dishes at home and think of you and your family. I appreciate the hospitality you and your family offered me. Today I made a new friend! I hope we meet again
Sandra, USA

Thank you again for all the assistance you gave to our group that helped make our visit memorable. I have given your name and contact information to some folks that are planning a trip. I hope that they call you. Also: do you have any good recipes for fava beans? I have some that I want to make.
Thanks again.
Lee, USA

Hello from Auckland New Zealand ..Down Under as they call us ….Graham and I returned home at the end of May, we have had the holiday of a life time …I have tried to write to you in Italian to show my very sincere appreciation for the day we spent with you and your family …..We have told so many of our friends and colleagues about this day in your company appreciating good food and wine ….It was really an unforgettable experience ….Your skill in the kitchen and the way you demonstrated the art of making pasta and the sauces will be a part of my memory forever ….. I did so enjoy the opportunity of speaking Italian ,and although the proverb “sbalgiando s’impara ” comes to my mind , I will go on trying and learning …What an added pleasure it was to be in the company of Gino Matilde and then to finally meet the rest of your family …..Graham sends his best regards too he has recounted Gino’s joke about the wall to his friends .. My final thought is to say Thanks again — I hope we can share a glass of the very tasty walnut liquor together one day.
Un abbraccio
Carmen, New Zeland

Hi Daniela,
We just want to drop you a note saying what a wonderful time we had with you in Italy. The Umbria Region is very beautiful and our short time there was made all the more rewarding with your help.
Barbara, USA

… Daniela is wonderful!! We really enjoyed our time with her. She took us to some fun and interesting places and cooked a couple nice meals for us. She has a good sense of humor and was great fun.
Yours truly;
Mike and Vicki, USA

Hi Daniela,
We had a wonderful visit . Everything was great–the food, the weather, the countryside.
We loved the day we spent with you–the winery, the cooking class. It was a real pleasure to be in your family’s house and experience real Umbrian cuisine and hospitality. Everyone loved the wine I brought back and I still have two bottles that are for gifts, but I want to keep them!! Your hospitality and generosity were wonderful. I have not tried any of the recipes at the restaurant yet but found some farro (it is not easy to get here) and want to make the lentil and farro soup again at home first. In January, when things are slower I might want to try something at the restaurant. I am also going to try the biscotti recipe for Christmas.
thank you again for everything.
Ciao, Mary Ellen, New York

Dear Daniela,
How can one find just the right words to say “Thank You!” You made our stay at the villa so pleasant. You blessed with the gift of hospitality. We loved every second we had with you. The meals were outstanding and the tours made the country come so-o-o-o alive. The tapas, wineries, olive oil farm, the lamb cheese factory and the linen factory were all very interesting. The tapas, olive oils and the wines were all so delicious. I already miss them and continue to brag about how wonderful they were.
I do want to say a special “Thank You” to Giacomo for the most beautiful watercolor of Augusta Perusia. He is so very, very talented. I can’t help but feel overwhelmed at the gift of love. I just marvel at his ability. I have the fountain painting hanging in my office where all can see and I love to share the story!!!!!!! I shall always, always, treasure it.
Thank you for making our stay the stay that it was. Every part very special. What a beautiful country you have. We would love to extend to you an open door at our home in Castle Rock, Colorado. We to have some beautiful sights here with our Rocky Mountains.
Thank you again. Also, a “Thank You” to Luca!!!
Audrey, Colorado

Thank you so much for all your terrific information and for inviting us into your lovely home with you and your family. We did take your advice and went to Trevi. It was beautiful. Kate wants to move there. We also saw the nice tennis courts there in Trevi. Sorry we didn’t take more pictures with you. Your cooking was lots of fun and seemed easy enough for us to work on here. I hope we stay in touch and look forward to seeing you again in the future. You will always have a warm place here if you visit. Buona giornata.
Tom, Kate and Tess from the US

Greeting from Canada!!! Daniela we had such a great time with you and we have told many people about our experience, it was a thrill of a life time. The whole trip was magical and starting it with you was fabulous. I have made many of the reciepes again and my third son is hooked on the ricotta with fresh herbs on toasted bread. The whole experience was amazing, the tours you took us on were great and we learned so much, I must say our most favourt tour was the cheese making with Antoino I will attach the pictures of that as well and I hope you will pass on to him what a great time we had. And for someone that loves to cook to be able to see real truffles and to taste them on fresh pasta at the restuarnt in Montone was an absoute thrill. Since I came home I found out that truffles here are about $2000.00 per 1/2 kilo so that for sure was a once in a life time occurance. Daniela cooking with you was fantastic, it went beyond what I hope to experience, I cook many of the recipes
Tony and Anne Marie from Toronto

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